Peerless Craftsmanship

Our handmade timepieces are crafted individually, informed by combined centuries of exquisite tradition.

Timeless Tradition

You're not 'owning' a cherished clock so much as you are taking care of it for the next generation.


We have an exceptional selection of the fresh and bold, alongside traditional appeal.

Fascination and Wonder

Our hand carvings inspire fantasy.

Welcome to Suburban Clock & Repair

Regular hours are 9am-4pm Everyday, except we're closed Wednesdays and Sundays.
We're open later (until 7pm) on Fridays!

Come and visit Suburban Clock & Repair! We are a destination point for any clock lover, as we are one of the largest dedicated clock stores in the USA. We have hundreds of clocks on display, spanning over three showrooms! We also have a full service repair and restoration facility. If you find a clock you like, tell us about it. We'll be able to get it or something similar for you. If you have a cherished timepiece that needs repair, bring it in and we'll get it running again!

We have over 70 years of experience in every aspect of horology. We sell, we service, we restore, and we install every kind of clock! If you have any questions at all about fine clocks, be sure to ask us first. Our knowledgeable staff is the best qualified to help you and answer any questions you might have. Give us a call or email!

Come and visit our store! There is no present like the time!

Curated Curiosities

We're always discovering something new. Check in with us and see what we've found for you!
